On 2015-06-01 04:26:37, masak wrote:
> On Mon Jun 01 01:15:07 2015, wrote:
> > FROGGS: m: say "#={ 42 }" # DrForr: your ticket is invalid
> > camelia: rakudo-moar c2a57e: OUTPUT«#=42␤»
> > FROGGS: DrForr: I am closing your ticket now
> > DrForr: The error was about the closing quotes, not the
> > interpolation.
> > FROGGS: DrForr: you mean that '"' is mentioned in the error message?
> > DrForr: Yes.
> > FROGGS: ahh
> > * FROGGS adds that to the ticket
> >
> > So, we'd like to see that a closing curly is expected I think.
> Also, as long as we're wishing for ponies and butterflies in the error
> message: one thing that Perl 5 still does better is to say where the
> runaway thing *began*, in this case the block. Because it's often a
> mistake, the programmer may not be aware of which thing it is that is
> unbalanced.
> My ideal error message would look something like this:
> Opening curly without closing curly in string -- did you forget to
> close the block?
> Opening curly found at line 22, col 17
> Expected '"' line 58, col 5, found EOF

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