As of today (2017.11,HEAD(e5b660e)) it prints this:

Cannot call method 'new' on a null object
in block <unit> at -e line 1

Which is arguably reasonable, but I guess it's not good enough.

On 2014-09-24 04:03:12, masak wrote:
> <nine> m: BEGIN GLOBAL::<Test> = class { };;
> <camelia> rakudo-moar 682e03: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Object of type
> <anon> in QAST::WVal, but not in SC␤»
> <masak> nine: looks like a bug.
> <nine> masak: any idea how I can create a class with a fully qualified
> name from an EVAL that's deep in some other namespace?
> <nine> masak: as in Inline::Perl5::Perl6PackageCreator::create runs an
> EVAL that should create a class called Foo::Bar::Baz.
> <lizmat> nine: EVAL "class Foo::Bar::Baz {}" doesn't cut it ?
> <lizmat> alternately EVAL "class Foo { class Bar { class Baz {}}}' ?
> <lizmat> or actually, maybe both?
> <nine> lizmat: nope, that creates
> Inline::Perl5::Perl6PackageCreator::Foo::Bar::Baz (what a handy name
> ;)
> <nine> m: BEGIN GLOBAL::<Test> := class { };;
> <camelia> rakudo-moar 682e03: ( no output )
> <nine> ah, := works, while = does not
> <jnthn> nine: Does class GLOBAL::Foo::Bar::Baz { } not do it?
> <nine> jnthn: no, the GLOBAL:: is pretty much ignored
> <jnthn> ah
> <jnthn> Maybe that wants fixing
> <jnthn> But afer dinner
> * masak submits rakudobug
> <nine> jnthn: according to S10, GLOBAL:: should do it though
> <jnthn> nine: That's my feeling too

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