On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 11:38:50 -0800, juhimar...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> When an Int variable gets undefined, lets say $i, then $i.fmt('%d') 
> throws a message 'Directive d not applicable for type Int'.
> The message is not ok because %d is applicable! %f throws the same error 
> but %s does some conversion and throws the proper messages about 
> uninitialized values.
> Secondly, it lacks a line number and stack dump. Same for %f but not for %s.
> I haven't tested other directives.
> Regards,
> Marcel
> This is Rakudo version 2018.01-171-gc38764c61 built on MoarVM version 
> 2018.01-82-g296620e86 implementing Perl 6.c.

Thank you for the report. This is now fixed

Fixes: https://github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/2c51764e93
Tests: https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/ceed491adb

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