On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 07:31:55 -0700, lue wrote:
> <ShimmerFairy> m: say "ab" ~~ /^ a +% (b) $/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar e4077e: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
> <ShimmerFairy> m: say "ab" ~~ /^ a *% (b) $/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar e4077e: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
> <ShimmerFairy> m: say "ab" ~~ /^ a ?% (b) $/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar e4077e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤QAST::Block with
> cuid cuid_1_1436969557.11546 has not appeared␤»
> On JVM:
> <ShimmerFairy> j: say "ab" ~~ /^ a ?% (b) $/
> <camelia> rakudo-jvm e4077e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤setcodeobj can only
> be used with a CodeRef␤»
> And just to show that it's not just the ?% operator alone contributing
> to the issue, but the capture too:
> <ShimmerFairy> m: say "ab" ~~ /^ a ?% [b] $/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar e4077e: OUTPUT«Nil␤»

Made potential fix in branches in 
https://github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/ac3d5307f3 and 

The fix is to throw on `?`/`??` quantifiers used with `%`/`%%`.

It's blocked by 2 lines of 6.c tests that indirectly use this combination: 

I delegated it to the release manager whether to merge that stuff or to require 
a fix that leaves these working and then we fix the compilation error itself.

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