El mar., 15 may. 2018 a las 10:17, ToddAndMargo (<toddandma...@zoho.com>)

> On 05/15/2018 12:57 AM, JJ Merelo wrote:
> > Well,
> > say + "abcrd-12.3.4".comb.grep: /<alnum>/
> > will give you that, but
> > say + "abcñé-12.3.4".comb.grep: /<alnum>/
> > will yield the same result.
> > Roman or other kind of numerals are excluded, though...
> $ perl6 -e 'say + "abcrd-12.3.4".comb.grep: /<alnum>/;'
> 9
> I don't understand.
> What does `/<alnum>/` do?  Is that a regex?

Correct. It's the alphanumeric character class.


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