
I was trying to find a way to have data stored in the program script itself a la perl5 __DATA__. Perl6 has the =data pod structures to do that. But after a first test I got an error using $=data saying that it was not yet implemented. But, as the saying goes, there's more than one way to do it!

First I still wanted to use the '=begin data' and '=end data' pod statements to store data and just search through the pod data myself. The problem I found however was that the newline characters were removed from the text. This is inconvenient. Looking at other pod thingies I saw that the pod comment was very usable in that everything was left as it was typed in. I've developed a small sub which makes use of comment blocks and interprets them as a data block.


=begin comment :!comment :type<fooData>

# test van data
foo 1

# second line
bar 2

=end comment

# get and use the data
my Str $foo-data = get-data('fooData');
for $foo-data.lines -> $line {
  say "Data line: $line";

# Program returns;
#Data line: foo 1
#Data line: bar 2

A few things to mention here;
1) :!comment is checked by the sub so it must be there. It is also a sign to the reader that this block is not used to show comments. 2) :fooData is the key to use to search for data. More than one data block is then possible and other (real) comments are not processed. 3) The sub is filtering out empty lines and comment lines (starting with '#').

The sub is shown below;

sub get-data ( Str:D $content-key --> Str ) {

  my Str $content;

  # search through the pod structure
  for @$=pod -> $pd {

    # search for 1) pod comment block, 2) :!comment and 3) the users key
    if $pd ~~ Pod::Block::Comment and
       !$pd.config<comment> and
       $pd.config<type> eq $content-key {

      $content = $pd.contents[0];

  # remove comments
  $content ~~ s:g/\s* '#' .*? $$//;

  # remove empty lines
  $content ~~ s:g/^^ \s* $$//;
  $content ~~ s:g/\n\n+/\n/;
  $content ~~ s:g/^\n+//;
  $content ~~ s:g/\n+$//;


You can get this program from a gist at github here;

Hopefully anyone can profit from this code,

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