dd is the moarvm specific data dump command. You don't need it.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2018, 08:16 ToddAndMargo, <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am confused.
> This line will convert a string into an integer, but
> will print out and extra line with "(Int)" on it:
>     $ p6 'my Str $x = "5"; my Int $y = dd +$x; say $y'
>     5
>     (Int)
> This will convert as well, but no extra line:
>     $ p6 'my Int $x; my Str $y = "5"; $x = "$y" + 0; say $x'
>     5
> Also, I can quote $x, and it still works:
>     $ p6 'my Int $x; my Str $y = "5"; $x = "$y" + 0; say "$x"'
>     5
> But this tells me I have an uninitialized value, when all
> I did was add quotes around $y, as in the above line.
>     $ p6 'my Str $x = "5"; my Int $y = dd +$x; say "$y";'
>     5
>     Use of uninitialized value $y of type Int in string context.
>     Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify
>     it to something meaningful.
> Why would I want to use "dd"?
> Many thanks,
> -T
Simon Proctor
Cognoscite aliquid novum cotidie

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