Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>>> "NI" == Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  NI> "We" need to decide where a perl6 sub's local variables are going
>  NI> to live (in the recursive case) - if we need a "stack" anyway it
>  NI> may make sense for VM to have ways of indexing the local "frame"
>  NI> rather than having "global" registers (set per thread by the way?)
>i made that thread point too in my long reply to dan.
>but indexing directly into a stack frame is effectively a register
>window. the problem is that you need to do an indirection through the
>window base for every access and that is slow in software (but free in

It isn't free in hardware either, but cost may be lower.
Modern machines should be able to schedule indirection fairly efficiently.
But I would contend we are going to have at least one index operation
anyway - if only from the "thread" pointer, or "global base" - so 
with careful design so that "registers" are at right "offset" from the "base"
we can subsume the register lookup index into that.

     R4 = frame[N]
is same cost as
     R4 = per_thread[N]
and about the same as
     extern REGISTER GlobalRegs4     
     R4 = GlobalRegs4;

Nick Ing-Simmons
who is looking for a new job see http://www.ni-s.u-net.com/

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