On 10/5/18 8:39 AM, Larry Wall wrote:
On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 03:13:15PM -0400, Trey Harris wrote:
: Right; that's what I meant by "stylistically" — a `--> Mu` can highlight
: that something is being returned (and that side-effects are not the primary
: purpose), while nothing indicates that the return value, though it exists,
: is incidental and probably from "falling off the end" or using `return` as
: a control-flow jump.

If nothing is being returned, it should really be indicated with --> Nil
since that can enable certain optimizations.  Similarly, if a routine always
returns true upon success, that can be indicated with --> True.


Am I interpreting Larry correctly?  Should every definition line
always have a --> at the end?

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