Caution: I'm not yet up to speed on everything perl6.  However, I've
dealt with stuff like slices in a variety of non-perl contexts, and
maybe I'll propose some questions which no one has brought up, yet.

First: @a[@(...)] looks plausible as a slice syntax.  Or -- if you
specify an array value as an index, shouldn't that be a slice?

Second: is there any fundamental difference between an array index and
a function parameter?  Both syntaxes imply taking some values doing
some processing and coming back with a result.  Sure, arrays are more
constrained than the general case -- they're fundamentally simple.
But is there anything wrong with treating (at the semantic layer) array
indexing as anything other than a certain kind of "function call"?

That leads into things like [] vs. () and maybe even [;;] vs. (,,) or
whatever.... and of course, Larry's dropped so many hints about this
that I'm mostly just rehashing his ideas.



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