In v6.d this throws the exception:

$ 6 'start die("bye"); sleep 1'
Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4
  in code  at -e line 1

whereas the exception is silently ignored in 6.c:

$ 6 'use v6.c; start die("bye"); sleep 1'

Not sure if this answers your question, as it is unclear from your question on 
which version you are running.

> On 10 Nov 2018, at 13:59, Brian Duggan <> wrote:
> Hi Perl 6 Users,
> What's the best way to know that an exception
> occurred in another thread, e.g.
>    $ perl6 -e 'start say("hi"); sleep 1'
>    hi
>    $
> but
>    $ perl6 -e 'start die("bye"); sleep 1'
>    $
> I thought maybe $*SCHEDULER.uncaught_handler
> would help out here, but it didn't seem to.
> thanks
> Brian

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