On 2/2/19 9:29 PM, Brad Gilbert wrote:
Subs do not need to have a `return` statement if it is returning the last value.

You also broke the return value of the subroutine that I wrote by
assigning it to a variable.

What I wrote would return `Nil` if it failed to find a match, yours
will return an undefined `Int`.
It should return `Nil` because that is what `index` would return.

Doing bytewise conversion from Buf to Str is pointless. It will break
on Unicode data.
It would also be exactly the same as converting ASCII if it worked.
(It won't work on binary data)

If you are dealing with something that is mostly Unicode but also has
binary data
decode using 'utf8-c8'.

If you are dealing with something that is mostly binary, decode using 'latin1',
or just use raw bytes in a buffer.

     my Buf $buffer = $fh.read(10);
     my Str $string = $buffer.decode('latin1');

     # the first three bytes were really a Utf8 encoded character
     my Str $char = $string.substr(0,3).encode('latin1').decode('utf8');
     # or
     my Str $char = $buffer.subbuf(0,3).decode('utf8');

Also note that `encode` doesn't always return a Buf.

     my Buf $buf = Buf.new( 'hello'.encode('utf8') );


The subroutine I wrote was simplified to work for an Array or List, not a Buf.

It is also weird that you are using CamelCase for variables,
and a mixture of CamelCase and snake-case for the subroutine name.

Improving your variant, and changing it so the second parameter is a Buf.

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List; # only call .List once
         my Any $Position is default(Nil) = Nil;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         $Position = $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv
$Matcher, :k);
         return $Position;

`$Position` has to be `Any` (or `Mu`) so that it can store the value `Nil`.
`Nil` sets a variable to its default, so we have to change the default
with `is default(Nil)`.
(The normal default is the same as the container type)
(The `= Nil;` is always pointless in the declaration of a `$scalar` variable.)

One simplification is to just have the return value as the last thing
in the subroutine without a `return`.
(It may also be slightly faster, but not by much.)

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Any $Position is default(Nil) = Nil;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         $Position = $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv
$Matcher, :k);
         $Position; # <------------

Assignment is a rvalue, so we can remove that last line

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Any $Position is default(Nil) = Nil;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         $Position = $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv
$Matcher, :k);
         # <-----------

`$Position` is now completely pointless.

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv $Matcher, :k);
         # ^

If you want `return` (even though it isn't doing anything)

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         return $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv $Matcher, :k);
         # ^

You could also declare the type of the return value

     sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf --> Int ) { # <----
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         return $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).first(* eqv $Matcher, :k);

Note that `Nil` can sneak around the return value type check.


As an added bonus, here is a subroutine that returns all of the indices.
(Note that the only differences are `grep` rather than `first`, and
the return type)

     sub Buf-Indices ( Buf $Buffer, Buf $SubBuf --> Seq ) {
         my List $Matcher = $SubBuf.List;
         my Int $Elems = $Matcher.elems;

         return $Buffer.rotor($Elems => 1- $Elems).grep(* eqv $Matcher, :k);


On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 10:05 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
<perl6-us...@perl.org> wrote:

On 2/2/19 6:09 AM, Brad Gilbert wrote:
      sub buf-index ( Buf $buf, +@match ) {
          my $elems = @match.elems;
          $buf.rotor( $elems => 1 - $elems ).first(* eqv @match.List, :k)

      my $buf = Buf[uint8].new(0x4D, 0x5A, 0x90, 0x00, 0x03);

      say buf-index( $buf, (0x90, 0x00, 0x03)); # 2

What did I do wrong?

First I did a byte wise conversion of

     Buf $BinaryFile   to   Str $StrFile


     Buf $VersionInfoBuf  to  Str $VersionInfoStr

sub Buf-Index ( Buf $Buffer, +@SubBuf ) {
     # `index` for buffers
     # $Buffer is the buffer to search through
     # $ +@SubBuf is the sub buffer pattern to search for in $Buffer
     # returns the first instance of a match, Nil if no match

     my Int $Position = Nil;
     my $Elems = @SubBuf.elems;

     $Position = $Buffer.rotor( $Elems => 1 - $Elems ).first( * eqv
@SubBuf.List, :k );
     return $Position;

     $i  = index(     $StrFile,    $VersionInfoStr );
     $bi = Buf-Index( $BinaryFile, $VersionInfoBuf );
     say "i = <$i>   bi = <$bi>";

$ FileVer.pl6
i = <11371>   bi = <>

11371 is correct.

What did I do wrong?

Many thanks,

Got it working.  Thank you!

It is a tad slow.  Depending on the file's size, it is
20 to 190 times slower than "index".

I have a lot of thinking to do.

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