Dear Brad,

Thanks very much for the answer. I have been playing with your examples in the
code below (and learned a lot!). Based on your insight, I would suggest these
solutions to be added to the wikipedia:

Example1: gather { for L { take $_ } };
Example2: cross( K, X.grep: P(x) );


<--- Working code
my \L = 1..10; my \K = 1..10; my \X = 5..15;

# Example 1
my $e1 = gather { for L { take $_ } };

# Example 2
my $s1 = gather {
  for K -> \k {
      for X -> \x {
          if x < 8 {
              take (k,x);
my $s2 = (K X[,] X).grep: -> ( \k, \x ) { x < 8 };
my $s3 = ( -> \x { |(-> \k { (k,x) if x < 8 } for K) } for X );
my $s4 = gather { -> \k { -> \x { take (k,x) if x < 8; } for X } for K 
my $s5 = cross( K, X.grep: * < 8 );

say $e1; say $s1; say $s2; say $s3; say $s4; say $s5;

El Sunday, 10 de February del 2019 a les 12:05, Brad Gilbert va escriure:


    {l for l in L}

The reason it is in `{}` is to create a Set from iterating over `L`.

In Python, the set-builder's braces are replaced with square brackets, 
parentheses, or curly braces, giving list, generator, and set objects, 

So in Python:

   [ l for l in L ]     gives a list
   ( l for l in L )     gives a generator
   { l for l in L }     gives a set

In Perl6 those would most likely be written as:

   L.List   or   L.Array   or   L.list


The way to do that is

   my \L = ((1..10) xx 3).flat.pick(*).list;

   set( L ) # A
   L.Set # B

   my %set is SetHash;
   { ++%set{$_} for L }  # C

   # D
   do {
       # add the {} syntax to create a Set (lexically)
       my sub circumfix:«{ }» ( \L ) { L.Set };

       { $_ for L } # <--

Something that seems similar to me is `unique`

   .say for L.unique;

By that I mean, some places where you would use a Set, it makes sense
to use `.unique` instead


As for `{(k, x) for k in K for x in X if P(x)}`

The easiest one to directly translate appears to be the Scala one

   my \K = 1..10;
   my \X = 5..15;

   # for (k <- K; x <- X if P(x)) yield (k,x) gather {
       for K -> \k {
           for X -> \x {
               if P(x) {
                   take (k,x);

Other ways: (K X[,] X).grep: -> ( \k, \x ) { P(x) } K X[,] X.grep: &P K X[,] X.grep: &P ( -> ( \k, \x ) { (k,x) if P(x) } for K X[,] X ) ( -> \x { |(-> \k { (k,x) if P x } for K) } for X)

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 10:26 AM mimosinnet <> wrote:

Hi all,

I wonder what would be the Perl notation for 'set-builders', as exposed
in this wikipedia article:

This is the Python notation:

Example 1: {l for l in L}
Example 2: {(k, x) for k in K for x in X if P(x)}

This is another example in Python:

s = {v for v in 'ABCDABCD' if v not in 'CB'}

I have been playing with the code below. Nevertheless, I am unsure on
how to use the code to define a set.


<--- Code
#!/usr/bin/env perl6

my @L = 1 .. 10;
my @K = 1 .. 10;
my @X = 5 .. 15;

say "Example 1:";
for @L -> $l {
  print "$l " if $l ∈ @L;

say "\nExample 2:";
for @K -> $k { for @X -> $x {
    print "($k, $x), " if ($k ∈ @K and $x ∈ @X and $x < 8);

(≧∇≦) Mimosinnet (Linux User: #463211)

(≧∇≦) Mimosinnet (Linux User: #463211)

(≧∇≦) Ningún Lugar
★ Activisme Cultural per a la Transformació Social

(≧∇≦) Fractalitats en Investigació Crítica
* Investigació Crítica per a la Transformació Social

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