On Fri, 15 Mar 2019, 05:34 Todd Chester via perl6-users, <perl6-us...@perl.org <mailto:perl6-us...@perl.org>> wrote:

    On 3/14/19 10:05 PM, Todd Chester via perl6-users wrote:
     > Hi All,
     > What am I doing wrong here?
     > ps ax | grep [f]irefox | perl6 -ne 'my @x =
     > print @x[0] ~ "\n";'
     > 7380
     > 7581
     > 7698
     > 13023
     > 13767
     > 13908
     > Two problems:
     > 1) "lines" is putting everything into @x[0]
     > 2) "reverse" is ignoring me as there is no @x[1]. etc.
     > The result I want is 13908
     > Many thanks,
     > -T

    And why do I have a broken pipe here?

    $ ps ax | grep [f]irefox | perl6 -ne 'say

    $ ps ax | grep [f]irefox | perl6 -ne 'say
    $_.lines.sort.reverse.words[0];' | sort -r

    Failed to write bytes to filehandle: Broken pipe
        in block <unit> at -e line 1

On 3/14/19 10:53 PM, Simon Proctor wrote:
6am here and I'm not at a computer but I think your problem is trying to use both -n which runs your code on each line of STDIN and lines.

Try one or the other see what happens.

Once I'm ambulant and at a computer I'll poke at it myself.

Thank you anyway.

$ ps ax | grep [f]irefox | perl6 -n 'my @x = $_.words[0].lines.reverse; print @x[0] ~ "\n";' Could not open my @x = $_.words[0].lines.reverse; print @x[0] ~ "\n";. Failed to stat file: no such file or directory

$ ps ax | grep [f]irefox | perl6 -e 'my @x = $_.words[0].lines.reverse; print @x[0] ~ "\n";'
No such method 'words' for invocant of type 'Any'
  in block <unit> at -e line 1

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