Hi yary,

I thought that it would be nice to give some more information to the user at what version the deprecation is started and what the next version would be to completely remove the software from the library. It is also nice to the developer to be able to remove old code after passing the marked version instead of waiting for some period (how long, a few months, half a year, or longer?). One can then forget that there is still code left to be removed.


GTK::Simple isn't part of the Rakudo compiler, its use and this thread suggests a demand for DEPRECATED in public Perl6.

Could it become a module for user code to import from? Pros, cons, and what would it take to promote it to a documented routine?

Marcel what's your use-case for DEPRECATED?


On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 8:10 AM Marcel Timmerman <mt1...@gmail.com <mailto:mt1...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thank you Brad for the answer, I'll better not use it then. Indeed
    I found it interesting because of the version arguments one could
    pass to the call, but alas...

    The `DEPRECATED` function is a feature of Rakudo, not Perl6.
    Which means that how it works, and even its existence could be
    changed without warning.

    It was added so that the compiler and runtime can mark features
    of itself as deprecated.
    Because of the design of the compiler and runtime, it leaks out
    into the userspace.

    It is not in ROAST so it is not Perl6.
    `is DEPRECATED` is

        my $a;
        my $awith;
        sub a     is DEPRECATED              { $a++     };
        sub awith is DEPRECATED("'fnorkle'") { $awith++ };

    The only thing this use of `DEPRECATED` shows, is that `is
    DEPRECATED` could use a new feature for indicating versions.

    On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 7:20 AM Marcel Timmerman <mt1...@gmail.com
    <mailto:mt1...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi all,

        Studying GTK::Simple if found about the existence of a routine
        DEPRECATED which I couldn't find in the Perl6 documents.
        Reading from
        the code I see that it needs 3 arguments, start version of
        version when it is removed and a string like in the 'is
        DEPRECATED()' trait.

        A use like

        sub gtk_builder_add_from_file ( ... ) {
             'other multi version of gtk_builder_add_from_file',
        '0.17.10', '0.20.0'

        Gives a result like;

        Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code.
        Sub gtk_builder_add_from_file (from Gnome::Gtk3::Builder)
        seen at:

        (Gnome::N::X), line 109
        Deprecated since v0.17.10, will be removed with release v0.20.0!
        Please use other version of gtk_builder_add_from_file instead.

        Perhaps it should be added to the docs (or I am look in the
        wrong spot :-)

        Thanks very much for the documentation as it is now

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