While that is useful, and could be something I settle for, its not really the same thing at all.

Any other domain could be setup to redirect to perl6.org, and I haven't seen any official word that raku.org is the official replacement, though it would be nice to be.

When perl6.org redirects to some raku domain, then I'd have the most confidence that is indeed the official replacement. That or some formal announcement that this is the domain that will be used and not say raku-lang.org or something.

Maybe I'll just have to use raku.org for now in my documents, but keep a close eye on the situation and be ready to change it again quickly if something else actually becomes the official replacement.

-- Darren Duncan

On 2019-10-16 9:09 a.m., Joseph Brenner wrote:
Last I looked, raku.org redirects to perl6.org already.

On 10/15/19, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:
One of the earliest steps that I hope gets implemented as soon as possible
that the previous official web domain for Perl 6 which is *.perl6.org gets
official replacement such as *.raku.org which has identical structure and
content but for the domain, and any visits to the former 301 redirect to the

Basically I'm ready to go and update all references in my own projects or
websites to the new name but I consider having a canonical web address to
to for Raku just as perl6.org was to be essential to updating my stuff, as I

need something proper to reference.

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