Thanks, that form does what I want--

I don't see how I could've understood that from the docs, though.
For example, I don't see any place where the :match adverb is
mentioned for either the method or routine form of comb.

On 11/10/19, Elizabeth Mattijsen <> wrote:
> dd "foobar".comb(/./, :g, :match);
> (「f」 「o」 「o」 「b」 「a」 「r」)
>> On 10 Nov 2019, at 23:46, Joseph Brenner <> wrote:
>> Can someone give me an example of how to use the comb routine to
>> return a list of match objects?
>> The documentation here:
>> Mentions a boolean option to get match objects:
>>> If $matcher is a Regex, each Match object is
>>> converted to a Str, unless $match is set.
>> I gather that I must be reading this signature
>> wrong somehow, I can't get it to work:
>>> multi sub    comb(Regex:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf, Bool
>>> :$match)
>> I keep trying variations of things like this:
>>    my @hits = comb(m/$search_pattern/, $chunk, 100, True);

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