If math is your area of interest, the GSL is interesting *and* humongous:
I've been working on it for two weeks writing the raw interface to the C
library and I just started to write a Raku-level interface, something that
would let programmers use the library without having to learn how to create
a CArray and convert between Raku and C types.
So after two weeks I counted how many C functions I converted as a raw
interface: 561. Then I found out that I was at the third group of functions
of about 40.
Did I say it's huge?
I think I will write the Raku interface to what I've done so far and start
publish the "work in progress" on the CPAN, so other people will know that
there's someone working on it. PRs will be welcome ;-)

On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 7:41 PM Tom Blackwood <tom.blkw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nice! Thanks for letting me know.
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 12:21 AM Fernando Santagata <
> nando.santag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I authored an interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
>> (libfftw3) as Math::FFT::Libfftw3; I'm working on an interface to the GNU
>> Scientific Library (libgsl).
>> I'm writing this just to avoid duplicating an effort.
>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 12:18 PM Tom Blackwood <tom.blkw...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks  JJ.
>>> We know Perl has PDL for data science,
>>> http://pdl.perl.org/
>>> We are looking into it and see if it's possible to make a Perl6 version
>>> of Scikit-learn based on PDL.
>>> regards.
>>> Tom
>>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 6:40 PM JJ Merelo <jjmer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> It might have been, but syntax is more Python-like to the point that in
>>>> some cases it's exactly the same. It's got a very extensive macro systems,
>>>> which enables it to work concurrently, for instance. It's more
>>>> scientific-computing oriented, which means that there are all sort of
>>>> mathematical modules for it, and not so many for web, databases, or things
>>>> like that.
>>>> El dom., 8 dic. 2019 a las 4:38, Tom Blackwood (<tom.blkw...@gmail.com>)
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> How do you think of Julia language?
>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_(programming_language)
>>>>> It says it is also influenced by perl language.
>>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> JJ
>> --
>> Fernando Santagata

Fernando Santagata

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