On 2019-12-23 00:34, Patrick Spek via perl6-users wrote:
They may be a negative to you personally because you dislike being
corrected on grammar, but they're not "negative issues" for the
community at large.

Don't get me wrong, it is not correcting my grammar
that I find offensive -- that I appreciate as my grammar
is terrible -- it is not asking me first that I find

It is my name associated with the writing, not theirs.
I am the one held accountable for what the reader sees,
not them.  I presume somewhere in their sign up
agreement, I gave them permission.  And, I would hazard
they are skating on the illegal side of things modify
without asking, agreement or no agreement.

However, this very ML seems to be the kind of thing
you're looking for, no?

Oh I do adore this group.  I ALWAYS come here first.
Though ~5% of the time I do have to go elsewhere.

I will check out Reddit, Hacker News and Quora, which
where suggested to me offline.

Thank you for the words of wisdom.


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