On Mon, 20 Jan 2020, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> Hi All,
> Now what am I doing wrong?
>     my $v = 0b00101101 ^ 0b00001001; say $v.base(2);
>     one(101101, 1001)
> It should be
>     100100

Please examine the output you get. Does the spurious "one" in there not
make you raise an eyebrow and head over to the documentation?

^ is a junction constructor, specifically it creates a one() junction.
If you want bitwise XOR use the... bitwise XOR operator +^.

In general, the "bare" operators &, |, ^ in Raku are used for declarative
purposes: in normal Raku they are junction constructors and in regexes
they denote longest-token matching.

Many other languages use these operators for (signed or unsigned) bitwise
operations, but in Raku these "numeric" bitwise operations are put under
the "+" umbrella to show that they are numeric: +&, +| and +^. Corresponding
operators also exist for buffers as ~&, ~| and ~^, for booleans as ?&, ?|
and ?^ and for sets as (&), (|), (^).

This is a truly beautiful and thoughtful thing about Raku.


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

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