The subroutine I wrote defines a named parameter that goes by the name
alignment 'Int :$alignment'.
If the caller wants to call the callee using the given named parameter
there are several ways to so do ....  hence the ':alignment(4)'.

If instead you have a variable already defined you can instead pass that
variable as a named parameter via something like the following:

$alignment = 4;
sbprint 0x04F842, :$alignment;

The documentation goes into much more detail about named arguments.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 11:43 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> wrote:

> On 2020-02-05 20:12, Paul Procacci wrote:
> > I wasn't going to follow up but decided to do so since there is a small
> > but subtle bug in my original post.
> > I wouldn't want to mislead you Todd.
> >
> > The \d has been changed to [0..9] as the expected input would only ever
> > be in that range.  (\d includes Unicode Characters)
> > I've also included an alignment parameter (shadow'ing the sub written by
> > you Todd).
> >
> > sub sbprint( Int $n, Int :$alignment = 8) {
> >          my Int $padding = $alignment + $n.msb - ( $n.msb +& (
> > $alignment  - 1 ) );
> >          '0b' ~ "\%0{$padding}b".sprintf($n).comb(/<[0..9]> ** {
> > $alignment }/).join('_')
> > }
> >
> > say sbprint 0x04F842;
> > say sbprint 0x04F842, :alignment(4);
> >
> > # ./test.pl6
> > 0b00000100_11111000_01000010
> > 0b0100_1111_1000_0100_0010
> `Int :$alignment = 8` was inspired!
> What does the ":" do before `alignment`?


:(){ :|:& };:

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