> So, is it right to say that one can't use stricture to avoid
   > use of mistyped user defined value attached properties?
   > (Perhaps with the exception of references to a value
   > property in the same lexical scope as assignments of
   > that value?)
   > And, if this is so, then isn't it impossible to have useful
   > stricture about variable properties, because any given
   > reference to a property might be instead a value property
   > unknown to the compiler?


I very much doubt Perl is going to become significantly more statically
analyzable in general. Though static determinacy is obviously a
desirable thing, there are plenty of other B&D languages that offer it
in abundance. And the dynamic power that Perl would have to lose would not
compensate for the static benefits gained.


PS: Of course, as always, Larry's MMV on that ;-)

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