On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 04:44:46PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> In the meantime, the normally-encountered working character set of modern
> Asian languages has been in Unicode from the beginning, and currently the
> older and rarer characters and the characters used these days only in
> proper names are being backfilled at a rate of tens of thousands per
> Unicode revision.  How this can then be described as ignoring Asian
> languages boggles me beyond words.  There are a lot of characters.  It
> takes time.  Rome wasn't built in a day.

Also, remember what I wrote earlier:

  all the characters in the Chinese Han Yu Da Zidian and the Japanese
  Morohashi Dai Kanwa Jiten are now adopted into Unicode.

"If you do not wish your beer to be served without the traditional head,
please ask for a top-up". With the subtext: "Your traditional head will 
then exit via the traditional window. Arsehole".
    - Mark Dickerson

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