On 2020-05-15 15:23, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 02:51:10PM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-05-13 14:05, Peter Pentchev wrote:
So... I believe Timo gave you that as an example how to use a grid to
position the various controls (buttons, text labels, input fields).
You start there, you figure out what text labels, what input fields,
what buttons you need, and then you use the 03-grid.p6 example as a base
on how to do this with Raku and GTK+.

Actually, he showed me the end result, not how he did it.
I really need to know how he did it

Um, what he showed you was not in any way related to GTK+; it was
an example of using grid layout in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
a widely-used extension to HTML for making webpages. His point was
to illustrate the *idea* of aligning buttons, text labels, and text
input boxes to a grid.

So you posted a screenshot of running the 03-grid.p6 example.
It showed a couple of buttons and a text label, and it aligned them in
the way described in the source code. Play around with it a bit, move
the buttons and the text labels around, create another element or two,
look at the other examples, maybe the one that says "Hello World", maybe
the one that is called "text", see what other types of GTK+ things you
can put onto the grid.


With the exception that I do not know how to get the
data back out of the pop up.  The example does not even
have a `okay` and `cancel` button

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