Also, you can simply issue different -I arguments when you invoke the
script; you can put that in a shell or whatever script

raku -Imy/lib script

for your own lib

raku -Iother/lib script

for other

(or Windows equivalent). No need to use Raku to change the path, actually.

El dom., 7 jun. 2020 a las 11:32, Peter Pentchev (<>)

> On Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 12:28:36AM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Is there a way to do an "if" on "use lib", so
> > I do not have to keep commenting these back and forth?
> >
> > # use lib 'C:/NtUtil', '.';
> > use lib 'C:/NtUtil', '.', 'K:/NtUtil';
> "use lib" is evaluated quite early in the program's execution, so to do
> any interesting things with it, you will need to use a BEGIN phaser
> (similar to what you might know as a BEGIN block in Perl):
> =================================
> #!/usr/bin/env raku
> use v6.d;
> my $path;
>         $path = 'lib1'.IO.d ?? 'lib1' !! 'lib2';
> }
> use lib $path;
> use Foo;
> =================================
> Hope that helps!
> G'luck,
> Peter
> --
> Peter Pentchev
> PGP key:
> Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13


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