
I've written some modules and released them into the Ecosystem. (I don't use cpan for raku)

In the past, I have named my modules 'p6-xxx'. So references for zef would be git - finanalyst - p6-xxx (loosely speaking).

Now I am considering whether to rename the module to `raku-xxx`

There are three alternatives:

a) leave the module name as before - historical roots.

b) change the name in my github repo, and change the source reference in the public ecosystem file (https://github.com/Raku/ecosystem/blob/master/META.list).

I don't know what would happen if someone has installed the module using zef, and the source changes.

c) leave the old versions of the module with one source, create a new repo and bump the version number in the META.json file

Any comments about what might be best practice?



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