I had been a perl 5.0 user in the past.  Ever since perl 6.0 was announced,
I waited, like many, indefinitely.  At last perl 6.0 has just started from
its starting block and is also in the race.  I am happy about that.

Perl 5.0 was generally termed to be good at CGI scripting, system
administration, web scraping, strong regex, processing text files etc.,

I want to know what perl 6 is so special in.  When perl 5.0 was there,
there did not exist any other language to do the same things easily as perl
5.0 did. Similarly, in which areas perl 6 is special?  I am unable to know
it from google search, as much information is not available.

Further, if concurrency and parallelism are the special things in perl 6,
then Rust and Go (so special in both concurrency and parallelism) are
already spreading its wings over the information technology field.  Both
are statically typed and compiled languages and there would be more
"welcome gesture" for these languages in the field.

To put my question simply, where is the space for perl 6 in today's
Please enlighten me (any body from user group) on this.

Thank you,


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