You're quite correct Brad, so maybe I mis-stated my observation:

> any(<a b c> eq any(<c d>))
any(any(False, False))
> <a b c> eq any(<c d>)
any(False, False)

Would the first line of code above code (wrapping an 'eq' call inside
an any-junction,  along with another any-junction) be written by a
Raku programmer? If so, what would his/her objective be? Doesn't the
second line of code suffice?

In Joseph's/Patrick's code, the external 'any' seems to only resolve
to a taking a single (internal, nested) any-junction argument, while
in your example, the external 'any' takes three internal, nested
any-junction arguments.

Best, Bill.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 5:57 PM Brad Gilbert <> wrote:
> It does actually make sense to call any on any
>     say (1, 2, 3).any + (4, 5, 6).any
>     # any(any(5, 6, 7), any(6, 7, 8), any(7, 8, 9))
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 6:22 PM William Michels via perl6-users 
> <> wrote:
>> I evaluated Joe's code using Patrick's explanation of parentheses-less
>> parsing (in the REPL):
>> > say(so(any(<a b c> eq any(<c d>))));
>> False
>> > say any(<a b c> eq any(<c d>));
>> any(any(False, False))
>> >
>> Q1. Does it make any sense to call "any" on "any" (i.e. nested "any"
>> calls)? Could this anti-pattern be used to generate a warning, i.e.
>> 'Useless use of nested any-junctions, did you mean...' or something
>> similar?
>> > say any(<a b c> eq any(<c d>));
>> any(any(False, False))
>> > say any(<c d> eq any(<a b c>));
>> any(any(False, False, False))
>> >
>> Q2. Swapping the first argument <a b c> to the binary infix operator
>> 'eq' with the second argument <c d> results in two different code
>> evaluations (above). Can this be used to alert the user to a potential
>> violation of the commutative property of equality? Again, maybe useful
>> for generating a warning (at least in the REPL), " Warning:
>> Commutativity--code without parentheses evaluates differently based on
>> LHS vs RHS ordering of arguments to "eq" operator... ."
>> (note, the second suggestion won't help if each argument to the "any"
>> calls surrounding 'eq' are an equivalent number of elements).
>> HTH, Bill.
>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 8:12 PM Patrick R. Michaud <> 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > The "any" function is just like any other function taking an arbitrary 
>> > list of arguments (including user-defined functions).  As such it parses 
>> > with lower precedence than comparison operators -- so "eq" binds more 
>> > tightly than "any".
>> >
>> > Thus
>> >
>> >    say so any <a b c> eq any <c d>;
>> >
>> > parses like
>> >
>> >    say(so(any(<a b c> eq any(<c d>))));
>> >
>> > which is indeed False.
>> >
>> > I'm not exactly sure what sort of warning should go here, or how it'd be 
>> > detected.  But perhaps others have ideas.
>> >
>> > Pm
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 07:00:23PM -0700, Joseph Brenner wrote:
>> > > I was just playing around with junctions a bit today, and I
>> > > noticed that if you weren't religious about using parenthesis
>> > > with them you could get quietly tripped up:
>> > >
>> > >     say so any(<a b c>) eq any(<c d>);   # True   (as expected)
>> > >     say so any(<a b c>) eq any(<d e f>); # False  (as expected)
>> > >     say so any <a b c> eq any <c d>;     # False    (something's wrong)
>> > >
>> > > Basically, you need the parens on that first use of any.
>> > >
>> > > Is there a reason you don't at least get a warning if you don't?

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