I liked all answers, make me more motivated to begin

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 9:24 AM Fernando Santagata <
nando.santag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Since you listed R among the other languages, I guess that you're
> interested in statistical functions too. If not, discard the rest of this
> email :-)

Not only, but also.

Actually, recently I prepared a Jupiter Notebook with Raku kernel just to
play with. Then, in another thread, I saw the implementation of the inner
and outer join operation, then I 'm trying to do the left and right join
I also thought to implement other relational operations (functions) to add
columns, transform columns, summarize, filter, arrange, all common in data
wrangle, and data manipulation, I know all these operations s easy doable
in Raku but the Idea is to make it easy as possible as dictated by Hardley
Wickham <https://r4ds.had.co.nz/index.html> and implemented in dplyr

The idea is to prepare a comfortable environment to do data analysis,
resume some data in a good plot <https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2>, and

Since Raku deal really nice with rationals and natively deal with async and
concurrency, this language might be wonderous to data analysis and data

> I'm working now on the statistical functions of the GSL: mean, variance,
> standard deviation, etc. Those functions are not based on the GSL
> vector/matrix interface, so that module will not depend on any other Raku
> module.
> The functions provided by the library accept arrays in every native data
> type[¹] available in Raku (int8, uint8, int16, … num32, num64).
> If you're planning to use the fastest approach available, I can split the
> module and publish the raw interface separately from the higher level one,
> so you'll be able to use NativeCall internally and have the minimal set of
> external code.
> [¹] libgsl has different functions for each data type.
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 1:42 AM Aureliano Guedes <
> guedes.aureli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to learn Raku deep enough to build a data structure. I have
>> experience with Perl5, Python, R, and even C/C++, then I get boring
>> feelings to learn something new from the beginning. Also, I prefer learning
>> a new language by applying f to something.
>> Since I work with data analysis and data science, I'd like to try to
>> develop a data structure to dataframe in pure Raku. And if I do a basic but
>> useful thing capable to load a field delimited file (as CSV or TSV) into a
>> dataframe, I'll transform in a package and upload it to GitHub to
>> comparatively enhance the package.
>> What I need is suggestions for how do I start it.
>> - How I define a data structure: an array of arrays?
>> - Given the raku itself (and maybe some already existing packages) what
>> the structures and functions I may use.
>> I got these ideas to start:
>> The dataframe should support columns name to be called as:
>> df.column1
>> and it should return a list of values on this column.
>> Also, when it read the delim file it should check each column type.
>> All suggestions are welcome.
>> --
>> Aureliano Guedes
>> skype: aureliano.guedes
>> contato:  (11) 94292-6110
>> whatsapp +5511942926110
> --
> Fernando Santagata

Aureliano Guedes
skype: aureliano.guedes
contato:  (11) 94292-6110
whatsapp +5511942926110

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