That is a little bit disappointing:

$ time ls -l | perl -lane 'print "$F[7] $F[1]"' > /dev/null

real 0m0.008s
user 0m0.013s
sys 0m0.000s

$ time ls -l | raku -ne 'say "$_[7] $_[1]" given .words' > /dev/null
Use of Nil in string context
  in block  at -e line 1

real 0m0.302s
user 0m0.370s
sys 0m0.060s

The delay is so long that I wouldn't use that in a very filled folder.
Perhaps I know, it will be improved (I hope).

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 4:21 PM Larry Wall <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 09:38:31PM -0700, William Michels via perl6-users
> wrote:
> : Hello,
> :
> : I ran across this 2010 Perl(5) article on the Oracle Linux Blog:
> :
> : "The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners"
> :
> :
> : Q1. Now that it's a decade later--and Raku (née Perl6) has hit the
> : scene--can someone translate the 'top ten tricks' in the blog article
> : above into Raku?
> :
> : Q2. Are many of the ten Perl(5) one-liner 'tricks' unnecessary in Raku
> : (better defaults, more regularized regexes, etc.)?
> :
> : Best, Bill.
> Yes, and yes.  :-)
> More specificially, here's my take.
> >   Trick #1: -l
> >
> >        Smart newline processing. Normally, perl hands you entire lines,
> >        including a trailing newline. With -l, it will strip the trailing
> >        newline off of any lines read, and automatically add a newline to
> >        anything you print (including via -p).
> >
> >        Suppose I wanted to strip trailing whitespace from a file. I might
> >        naïvely try something like
> >
> >        perl -pe 's/\s*$//'
> >
> >        The problem, however, is that the line ends with "\n", which is
> >        whitespace, and so that snippet will also remove all newlines from
> >        my file! -l solves the problem, by pulling off the newline before
> >        handing my script the line, and then tacking a new one on
> afterwards:
> >
> >        perl -lpe 's/\s*$//'
> This trick is not needed in Raku, since newlines are stripped by default.
> Also,
> there are .trim methods that you can use instead of regex.
> >    Trick #2: -0
> >
> >        Occasionally, it's useful to run a script over an entire file,
> >        or over larger chunks at once. -0 makes -n and -p feed you chunks
> >        split on NULL bytes instead of newlines. This is often useful for,
> >        e.g. processing the output of find -print0. Furthermore, perl
> -0777
> >        makes perl not do any splitting, and pass entire files to your
> script
> >        in $_.
> >
> >        find . -name '*~' -print0 | perl -0ne unlink
> >
> >        Could be used to delete all ~-files in a directory tree, without
> >        having to remember how xargs works.
> The key word above is "occasionally", so most of these seldom-used
> switches are gone.
> Also, most of their functions are really easy to do from inside the
> language.
> So these days dividing a file by null chars would typicaly be handled with:
>     for slurp.split("\0") { ... }
> >    Trick #3: -i
> >
> >        -i tells perl to operate on files in-place. If you use -n or -p
> with
> >        -i, and you pass perl filenames on the command-line, perl will run
> >        your script on those files, and then replace their contents with
> the
> >        output. -i optionally accepts an backup suffix as argument; Perl
> will
> >        write backup copies of edited files to names with that suffix
> added.
> >
> >        perl -i.bak -ne 'print unless /^#/'
> >
> >        Would strip all whole-line commands from, but leave a
> copy
> >        of the original in
> I'm not aware of a direct replacement for this in Raku.  Perl has to be
> better at something...
> >    Trick #4: The .. operator
> >
> >        Perl's .. operator is a stateful operator -- it remembers state
> >        between evaluations. As long as its left operand is false, it
> returns
> >        false; Once the left hand returns true, it starts evaluating the
> >        right-hand operand until that becomes true, at which point, on
> >        the next iteration it resets to false and starts testing the other
> >        operand again.
> >
> >        What does that mean in practice? It's a range operator: It can be
> >        easily used to act on a range of lines in a file. For instance,
> >        I can extract all GPG public keys from a file using:
> >
> >        perl -ne 'print if /-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY
> The scalar .. operator in Perl translates to the ff operator in Raku.
> It's slightly less magical, however, insofar as it won't treat bare
> numbers as line numbers in the input.
> >    Trick #5: -a
> >
> >        -a turns on autosplit mode – perl will automatically split input
> >        lines on whitespace into the @F array. If you ever run into any
> advice
> >        that accidentally escaped from 1980 telling you to use awk because
> >        it automatically splits lines into fields, this is how you use
> perl
> >        to do the same thing without learning another, even worse,
> language.
> >
> >        As an example, you could print a list of files along with their
> link
> >        counts using
> >
> >        ls -l | perl -lane 'print "$F[7] $F[1]"'
> This feature was always a bit suspect because it hard-wired a particular
> name.  You don't even need a weird name in Raku:
>      ls -l | raku -ne 'say "$_[7] $_[1]" given .words'
> >    Trick #6: -F
> >
> >        -F is used in conjunction with -a, to choose the delimiter on
> >        which to split lines. To print every user in /etc/passwd (which is
> >        colon-separated with the user in the first column), we could do:
> >
> >        perl -F: -lane 'print $F[0]' /etc/passwd
> Again, we felt this switch wasn't really pulling it's weight, so we pulled
> it
> in favor of explicit split or comb:
>      raku -ne 'say $_[0] given .split(":")' /etc/passwd
> >    Trick #7: \K
> >
> >        \K is undoubtedly my favorite little-known-feature of Perl regular
> >        expressions. If \K appears in a regex, it causes the regex
> matcher to
> >        drop everything before that point from the internal record of
> "Which
> >        string did this regex match?". This is most useful in conjunction
> >        with s///, where it gives you a simple way to match a long
> expression,
> >        but only replace a suffix of it.
> >
> >        Suppose I want to replace the From: field in an email. We could
> >        write something like
> >
> >        perl -lape 's/(^From:).*/$1 Nelson Elhage <nelhage\
> >/'
> >
> >        But having to parenthesize the right bit and include the $1 is
> >        annoying and error-prone. We can simplify the regex by using \K to
> >        tell perl we won't want to replace the start of the match:
> >
> >        perl -lape 's/^From:\K.*/ Nelson Elhage <nelhage\>/'
> Perl's \K \k becomes <( )> in Raku.  Note that there are other regex
> changes as well,
> and that in the replacement it's not necessary to escape the @ in the
> absence of brackets:
>      raku -pe 's/ ^ "From:" <(.*)> / Nelson Elhage <>/'
> The )> is not required to balance there, but helps clarify the intention.
> If you do
> have a quoting problem in the replacement, you can use the assignment form
> with
> any other form of quoting instead:
>      raku -pe 's[ ^ "From:" <(.*)> ] = Q[Nelson Elhage <
> >    Trick #8: $ENV{}
> >
> >        When you're writing a one-liner using -e in the shell, you
> generally
> >        want to quote it with ', so that dollar signs inside the one-liner
> >        aren't expanded by the shell. But that makes it annoying to use a
> '
> >        inside your one-liner, since you can't escape a single quote
> inside
> >        of single quotes, in the shell.
> >
> >        Let's suppose we wanted to print the username of anyone in
> /etc/passwd
> >        whose name included an apostrophe. One option would be to use a
> >        standard shell-quoting trick to include the ':
> >        perl -F: -lane 'print $F[0] if $F[4] =~ /'"'"'/' /etc/passwd
> >
> >        But counting apostrophes and backslashes gets old fast. A better
> >        option, in my opinion, is to use the environment to pass the regex
> >        into perl, which lets you dodge a layer of parsing entirely:
> >
> >        env re="'" perl -F: -lane 'print $F[0] if $F[4] =~ /$ENV{re}/'
> /etc/passwd
> >
> >        We use the env command to place the regex in a variable called re,
> >        which we can then refer to from the perl script through the %ENV
> >        hash. This way is slightly longer, but I find the savings in
> counting
> >        backslashes or quotes to be worth it, especially if you need to
> end
> >        up embedding strings with more than a single metacharacter.
> This is rather Unix-centric on the face of it, since on Windows you'd
> have to use outer "" quoting instead.  But you can certainly use the
> same trick with Raku, provided you spell ENV right:
>      env re="'" raku -ne '(say .[0] if .[4] ~~ /<{ %*ENV<re> }>/) given
> .split(":")' /etc/passwd
> It probably won't be very efficient though, and doesn't do a thing for
> readability.
> Much easier to use a character name:
>      raku -ne '(say .[0] if .[4] ~~ /\c[APOSTROPHE]/) given .split(":")'
> /etc/passwd
> You could backport that trick to Perl using \N{} too, I guess.
> >    Trick #9: BEGIN and END
> >
> >        BEGIN { ... } and END { ... } let you put code that gets run
> entirely
> >        before or after the loop over the lines.
> >
> >        For example, I could sum the values in the second column of a CSV
> >        file using:
> >
> >        perl -F, -lane '$t += $F[1]; END { print $t }'
> Same trick, except you can omit the brackets:
>      raku -ne 'my $t += [1] given .split(","); END say $t'
> Note the 'my' is required because strict is the default.
> >    Trick #10: -MRegexp::Common
> >
> >        Using -M on the command line tells perl to load the given module
> >        before running your code. There are thousands of modules available
> >        on CPAN, numerous of them potentially useful in one-liners, but
> >        one of my favorite for one-liner use is Regexp::Common, which, as
> >        its name suggests, contains regular expressions to match numerous
> >        commonly-used pieces of data.
> >
> >        The full set of regexes available in Regexp::Common is available
> in
> >        its documentation, but here's an example of where I might use it:
> >
> >        Neither the ifconfig nor the ip tool that is supposed to replace
> it
> >        provide, as far as I know, an easy way of extracting information
> for
> >        use by scripts. The ifdata program provides such an interface, but
> >        isn't installed everywhere. Using perl and Regexp::Common,
> however,
> >        we can do a pretty decent job of extracing an IP from ips output:
> >
> >        ip address list eth0 | \
> >          perl -MRegexp::Common -lne 'print $1 if /($RE{net}{IPv4})/'
> I don't know if there's anything quite comparable.  And who's to say
> what's "common" anymore...   Certainly we have -M.  But Raku's regex
> and grammars are so much more powerful that these things are likely to
> kept in more specific Grammar modules anyway, or just hand-rolled for
> the purpose on the spot.
> >    ~nelhage Join the discussion Comments ( 7 )
> Larry

Aureliano Guedes
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