On Saturday, October 10, William Michels via perl6-users wrote: 
> I can point to the (functional) R-programming language to show what happens
> there. When manipulating "array-like" (i.e. vector) objects in R, you can
> do nested function calls, or sequential (piped) function calls, and still
> get the same data structure out at the end. So a 10-element input gives a
> 10-element output.

This seems pretty convenient and intuitive.  At least, it is possible
to mimic that behavior in Raku:

        List.^find_method('split').wrap: { $^a.map: *.split($^b) }
        List.^find_method('sin').wrap: *.map: *.sin;

        my @words = <a,b c,d>;
        my @nums = 0, π/2, 3 * π/2;

        say @words.split(',');
        say @nums.sin;

gives us

  ((a b) (c d))
  (0 1 -1)


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