> Would some kind soul please explain to me what is going on line by line with 
> the "class" statement.
> cupsGetDests definition can be found at:

The point of the class is to create a "template" in raku matching the C 
structure of the cups stuct.  That way, when passed to "nativecall"

it can use that template to understand what the pointer is pointing to (i.e. 
the cups cstruct).
 my $dest = nativecast(CupsDest, Pointer.new($ptr + $i * 

The "nativesizeof" gives the size of the struct, so the
$ptr + $i * nativesizeof(CupsDest)

moves the new Pointer down the list one struct at a time.

From: ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 10:36 PM
To: perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org>
Subject: Need help understand "class"


Hi All,

In the following piece of code:

use NativeCall;

class CupsDest is repr('CStruct') {
     has Str $.name;
     has Str $.instance;
     has int32 $.is-default;
     has Pointer $.options;

sub cupsGetDests(Pointer is rw --> int32) is native('cups', v2) {}

Would some kind soul please explain to me
what is going on line by line with the "class"

cupsGetDests definition can be found at:

I am confused.  Yes, again.

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