On 12/20/20 2:24 AM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

Now what am I doing wrong?


   class Angle {
        # has num64 $.degrees;

        method AngleCosine( Rat:D: --> Rat:D )  {
           my Numeric $radians = self*π/180;
           print "self   = <" ~ self ~ "\n";
           print "radians = <$radians>\n";
           return $radians.cos;

say (45.0).AngleCosine
No such method 'AngleCosine' for invocant of type 'Rat'
   in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

I can't get this to work either:

     class String2 {
         method PrintStr( Str:D: )  {
            print "self   = <" ~ self ~ ">\n";

say "abc".PrintStr
No such method 'PrintStr' for invocant of type 'Str'
   in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 2

Hi All,

This is what I have so far:

Example 3:

   class Angle {
       has Numeric $.degrees;

       method AngleCosine()  {
          my Numeric $radians = self.degrees * π / 180;
          my Numeric $cosine  = $radians.cos;
          print "self    = <" ~ self.degrees ~ ">\n";
          print "radians = <$radians>\n";
print "Cosine of " ~ self.degrees ~ " degrees is <" ~ $cosine ~ ">\n";
          return $cosine;

   my $x = Angle.new( degrees => 45 );
   say $x.AngleCosine;

   self    = <45>
   radians = <0.7853981633974483>
   Cosine of 45 degrees is <0.7071067811865476>

What I would like to eventually be able to do is
   say 45.AngleCosine;

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