On 12/29/20 1:12 AM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
    Hi Richard,

    When deciding to write a technical article, the
    VERY FIRST thing you have to do is determine

    In a single sentence, please state for me what
    you believe the TARGET AUDIENCE is for the

Would that it were that simple! But since you have some definite ideas about what's wrong, why don't you have a go?
What the target audience?

Hi Richard,

What it is would be what you stated previously:

     "Reference is written for a person who already
     knows how to program and who uses Raku"

What I would like it to be is:

     for both new and advanced users

Standard technical writing: define terms (links work),
start small and work up to advanced.  And no showing off.

It's clear that you are a member, but what about others?

"member".  That must be a British term.  By context, I
presume you mean I am program in Raku.

I use the documentation every time I program in Raku (or C or php)

I always have the documentation pages open when I am
programming too.

By the way, your statement
    "who already knows how to program and who
     uses Raku"

would definitely apply to me and the docs drive me
around the bend (sometimes the actual source code
is easier for me to understand and I have starting
looking at that too), so I would posit that you
should change your statement to

     "Reference is written for a person who already
     has an advanced knowledge of and programs in Raku"

Oh and it does not help that a google search of
raku this and that turns up 1001 hits on pottery.

I have both Windows 7 and Windows 10-20H2 on my
system if you want me to run any tests for you.
Write me off line.


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