On 12/30/20 5:41 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
A question on the "use" in a class declaration.

In "use $.x". does the dot have a special meaning
or is it just to make the value ($.x) easier to
access ($objectname.x)?

Many thanks,

From my in progress notes on OOP:

*** addressing values inside an object ***

   The dot itself is technically an operator, it means "call the method
   'apples' on the preceding object".  So $FruitStand.apples translates
   to "call the method 'apples' on the object $FruitStand" [11]

[11] https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#raku: guifa2 2020-12-30 18:06:23

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