As it seems that Audio::PortMIDI lacks non-blocking interface, I think a 
solution would be to read events in a dedicated thread and re-submit them into 
a Supplier. Something like:

my Supplier $midi-events;

start {
    loop {
        my $ev = $;
        $midi-events.emit: $ev;

$midi-events can then be used in your react block. BTW, I think calling method 
'poll' must not be needed because `read` should block until actual event is 
available. At least this is how I understand the normal order of things.

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

> On Jan 1, 2021, at 1:23 PM, Nathan Gray <> wrote:
> I am working on a small virtual organ program, where I have
> multiple MIDI controller keyboards which can be connected to one
> or more synthesizer channels to emit various sounds
> simultaneously.
> At this point, I am able to read events from a single MIDI
> controller and send the events to the correct synthesizer channel
> (I'm using Timidity at the moment).
> I would like to read keypresses from the computer keyboard and
> use those to adjust which synthesizers receive which MIDI events.
> In other words, I press a note on my MIDI controller and the note
> plays a sound on the synthesizer I have set up.  When I press the
> letter 'a' on my computer keyboard, I would like to add another
> synthesizer, so that subsequent notes played on the MIDI
> controller send events to the original synthesizer and to a new
> synthesizer.
> I was able to build a script to read in events from the computer
> keyboard (via the module Term::ReadKey).  I read these keypresses
> in a react block with a whenever:
>    react {
>        whenever key-pressed(:!echo) {
>            # Eventually will connect or disconnect a synthesizer for the 
> relevant MIDI controller.
>            # Currently just prints out the key that was pressed.
>            given .fc {
>                when 'q' { done }
>                default { .raku.say }
>            }
>        }
>    }
> The MIDI events are being read via the module Audio::PortMIDI in
> a loop block:
>    my $pm =;
>    my $stream = $$input-device-number, 32);
>    my $voice = $$output-device-number, 32);
>    # Read events from the MIDI controller and write to the synthesizer.
>    loop {
>        if $stream.poll {
>            my @notes = $;
>            $voice.write(@notes);
>        }
>    }
> I'm struggling to figure out how to combine the react block for
> the computer keyboard events and the loop block for the MIDI
> events.  I would like to be able to accept events from both
> devices concurrently.
> It seems like I might need to turn the loop into a Supply of some
> kind, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing that.  If I
> understand correctly, once it is a supply, I could add it to the
> react block as another whenever event.
> I have found examples of how to create a Supply using a loop and
> a Promise that is kept after a specific amount of time
> (,
> but I have not found anything that is polling from a data stream.
> My attempt of polling the stream in a whenever block errors out,
> without me ever pressing a key, which makes it seem like it is
> trying to read when there are no keypress events available.
>    whenever so $stream.poll {
>        my @notes = $;
>        ...
>    }
> Type check failed for return value; expected Str but got Any (Any)
>  in sub with-termios at 
> /home/kolibrie/.raku/sources/C758559420AEADF99B8D412BDFADA739CAC14C2A 
> (Term::ReadKey) line 20
>  in block  at 
> /home/kolibrie/.raku/sources/C758559420AEADF99B8D412BDFADA739CAC14C2A 
> (Term::ReadKey) line 51
> Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
> -kolibrie

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