Hey Gents,

Hopefully a simple question that I could not find the answer to.

Given the following:

class PROCESSENTRY32 is repr('CStruct') {
    has int32 $.dwSize;
    has int32 $.cntUsage;
    has int32 $.th32ProcessID;
    has Pointer $.th32DefaultHeapID;
    has int32 $.th32ModuleID;
    has int32 $.cntThreads;
    has int32 $.th32ParentProcessID;
    has long $.pcPriClassBase;
    has int32 $.dwFlags;
    HAS Str @.szExeFile[260] is CArray;      # MAX_PATH on windows is 260

... is there is a raku method that gives me the size of this data structure?

In C for example one would use sizeof() to provide the size.  In raku I
could not find the documentation that would provide this information.

Paul Procacci

:(){ :|:& };:

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