Daniel Sockwell <dan...@codesections.com> wrote:

>> Is there a convenient way to get a list of all classes built-in to Raku?

> Short answer:
> raku -e '.say for (|CORE::, |UNIT::, |OUTERS::, |MY::).grep({ .key eq
> .value.^name }).grep({ .value.HOW.^name eq "Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW"
> }).map(*.key).unique'

> Somewhat longer answer:

> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44861432/is-there-a-way-to-get-a-list-of-all-known-types-in-a-perl-6-program

Ah, yes I've seen that I think.   That tells you about the classes
that are currently in use, right?

I packaged up some of those ideas as
(though it needs some work).

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