
I've been reading over an interesting Answer on StackOverflow by wamba:


I started trying to explore enums on my own and quickly realized that
method calls on enums are different from simple key/value pairs. For enums,
calling a `.key` or `.value` or `.kv` method won't work. Instead one must
use something like `.^enum_values` or `.^enum_value_list`.

Can someone explain how `.^enum_values` or `.^enum_value_list` came to be
the **correct** incantation for enums, and why there is no equivalent
`.^enum_keys` or `.^enum_key_list` commands? Thank you, Bill.

> # In the Raku REPL (wamba's enum example 'Month')
> enum Month (jan => 1, |<feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec>);
Map.new((apr => 4, aug => 8, dec => 12, feb => 2, jan => 1, jul => 7, jun
=> 6, mar => 3, may => 5, nov => 11, oct => 10, sep => 9))
> Month.^enum_values
{apr => 4, aug => 8, dec => 12, feb => 2, jan => 1, jul => 7, jun => 6, mar
=> 3, may => 5, nov => 11, oct => 10, sep => 9}
> Month.^enum_value_list
(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec)
> Month.^enum_keys
No such method 'enum_keys' for invocant of type
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 4

> Month.^enum_key_list
No such method 'enum_key_list' for invocant of type
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

> #Random keyword attempts:
> Month.key
Invocant of method 'key' must be an object instance of type 'Mu', not a
type object of type 'Month'.  Did you forget a '.new'?
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

> Month>>.key
Invocant of method 'key' must be an object instance of type 'Mu', not a
type object of type 'Month'.  Did you forget a '.new'?
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

> Month.keys
> Month>>.keys

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