On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 12:50:21PM -0700, Joseph Brenner wrote:
> But then, in a case like this one, how would you know in advance
> that it would work, without Just Trying It:
>   my @monsters      = < godzilla grendel wormface blob >;
>   my $cool_monsters = < godzilla ghidra mothera >.Set;
>   say @monsters.WHAT;          # (Array)
>   say $cool_monsters.WHAT;     # (Set)
>   my $just_monsters = @monsters (-) $cool_monsters;
>   say $just_monsters; # Set(blob grendel wormface)
> A set difference operation seems to know what to do with arrays,
> without any explicit conversion steps.  I don't think you can get
> that just from studying the type graphs

More likely, the set difference operation tries to coerce both of its
operands into Sets, and arrays know how to make themselves into a Set
(via the .Set() method inherited from List).

It's much like the way the subtraction operator (&infix:<->) tries
to coerce its operands into Numeric types, by asking the operands to
return their "Numeric" value, or the way the concatenation operator
(&infix:<~>) coerces its arguments into Stringy types.


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