On 10/31/21 19:39, Sean McAfee wrote:
On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 6:51 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org <mailto:perl6-us...@perl.org>> wrote:

     >> How do I get more digits out of sqrt?

    On 10/31/21 17:50, Kevin Pye wrote:
      > You don't.
      > sqrt is a function which acts on 64-bit floating point numbers, and
    there's no more meaningful digits available. If you need more precision
    you're on your own.

    Dang!  I was hoping ther was some thing like UInt.

Fortunately, it's easy.

Wikipedia describes the following recurrence formula for approximating the square root of 2 from an initial guess a₀:

     aₙ₊₁ = (aₙ / 2 + 1 / aₙ)

So just iterate this sequence until successive terms become close enough for you, using the unlimited precision FatRat type, for example:

     (2.FatRat, { $_ / 2 + 1 / $_ } ... (* - *).abs < 1e-100).tail

This gives the root to a precision of one in a googol.

> (2.FatRat, { $_ / 2 + 1 / $_ } ... (* - *).abs < 1e-100).tail


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