At 03:12 PM 6/11/2001 -0700, Damien Neil wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 05:03:26PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > I don't think just /i should do that, as it seems rather extreme. (If you
> > took that argument, it would seem to follow that KATAKANA LETTER A matches
> > LATIN CAPITAL A, and I don't think we want to go there) The actual
> > perl-level modifier's not all that important as much as the decision to
> > allow or not allow this sort of thing.
>Well, KATAKANA LETTER A and LATIN CAPITAL A are referring to very
>distinct things.  It's just that the Katakana letter is romanized
>as "A".

While that's true, KATAKANA LETTER A and HIRAGANA LETTER A are also 
referring to distinct things. (Though arguably not as distinct as either 
with LATIN CAPITAL A) If we do one, why not the other? I'm perfectly happy 
with an answer that starts "because...", but we should have an answer.

>I do think that this is a useful ability to have.  In the same way
>that case-insensitive search is the default in most English user
>interfaces, character set-insensitive search is the default in
>many Japanese UIs.

We probably also ought to answer the question "How accommodating to 
non-latin writing systems are we going to be?" It's an uncomfortable 
question, but one that needs asking. Answering by Larry, probably, but 
definitely asking. Perl's not really language-neutral now (If you think so, 
go wave locales at Jarkko and see what happens... :) but all our biases are 
sort of implicit and un (or under) stated. I'd rather they be explicit, 
though I know that's got problems in and of itself.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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