On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:20 AM Richard Hainsworth
<rnhainswo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems to me a short page in the docs.raku.org would
> be useful with the various file extensions

I'm +1 for this.

I'm also +1 for recommending `.rakudoc` instead of `.pod6`.
At least, for documentation files related to raku; what I mean
by that caveat will become clear if you consider Pod6Lite, as
discussed in the reddit comment I link below.

> I think that POD6 is neither Plain, nor Old. How about RDM?

Please read this related reddit comment (and, optionally, the
earlier reddit comment it then links to):


(This latest reddit comment was written in the context of discussing
Pod6Lite's name, but it's mostly about Raku's use of Pod6, not Pod6Lite's.)

As you'll see, I propose we suitably backronym "Pod". In other
words, stick with "Pod", but switch to new words for the P, o, and d.

And I strawman propose "Package of docks" for reasons that will
become apparent if you read the reddit comment(s) I've linked.

love, raiph

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