You need the method object, and you can't get that from $a.test  --

Try using the following:

when X::AdHoc {
say $a.^lookup('test').WHY; # TODO: This is wrong :-(

I've tested it here (
and it works!



On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 12:33 PM David Emanuel da Costa Santiago <> wrote:

> Hello Rakuns,
> How do i access the declarator block of my object method?
> I'm trying to do this, but it's not working:
> class A {
>      #|( This is just a test with 3 parameters:
>      * p1 - parameter 1
>      * p2 - parameter 1
>      * p2 - parameter 1
>      )
>      method test($p1, $p2, $p3) {
>          say "Invoked: [$p1] [$p2] [$p3]";
>      }
> }
> sub MAIN(*@args) {
>      my $a =;
>      $a.test(|@args);
>      CATCH {
>          when X::AdHoc {
>              say $a.test.WHY; # TODO: This is wrong :-(
>          }
>      }
> }
> $ raku test.raku 1 2
> Too few positionals passed; expected 4 arguments but got 1
>    in method test at test.raku line 8
>    in block  at test.raku line 18
>    in any  at test.raku line 16
>    in method test at test.raku line 8
>    in sub MAIN at test.raku line 15
>    in block <unit> at test.raku line 1
> Is it possible to do what i want? How can i fix it?
> I tried several ways (like trying A::test.WHY; ) and all failed...
> Regards,
> David Santiago

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