Hi Richard,
I tried 'zef search Raku::Pod::Render' and I can only see versions from
v2.1 through v3.7.3.
If your last version is v3.7.5 there's something missing for sure.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 2:50 PM Richard Hainsworth <rnhainswo...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> zef appears to be giving inconsistent results.
> I have updated several of my modules. But when I try the github actions to
> test an update a module that depends on one updated, it does not recognise
> the most recent module, only a version I changed some time ago.
> I have a module called Raku::Pod::Render the latest version is v3.7.5
> When I use `zef info "Raku::Pod::Render" ` on my local machine, I get
> zef info "Raku::Pod::Render"
> ===> Updating fez mirror: http://360.zef.pm/
> ===> Updated fez mirror: http://360.zef.pm/
> ===> Updating p6c mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems/master/p6c1.json
> ===> Updating cpan mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems/master/cpan1.json
> ===> Updated p6c mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems/master/p6c1.json
> ===> Updated cpan mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems/master/cpan1.json
> - Info for: Raku::Pod::Render
> - Identity: Raku::Pod::Render:ver<3.7.5>:auth<github:finanalyst>
> - Recommended By: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<p6c>
> - Installed: Yes
> Description:     A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes 
> for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
> License:     Artistic-2.0
> Source-url:     git://github.com/finanalyst/raku-pod-render.git
> Provides: 12 modules
> Support:
> #   bugtracker:    https://github.com/finanalyst/raku-pod-render/issues
> #   source:    https://github.com/finanalyst/raku-pod-render.git
> #   email:    richard@hainsworth.wales
> Depends: 14 items
> I have another module called Raku-Pod-Extraction, which "depends on"
> Raku::Pod::Render:v<3.7.5+>
> My github workflow file is
> name: "Raku"
> on: [ push, pull_request ]
> jobs:
>   raku:
>     strategy:
>       matrix:
>         os:
>           - ubuntu-latest
>         raku-version:
>           - 'latest'
>     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
>     steps:
>       - name: Checkout
>         uses: actions/checkout@v2
>       - uses: Raku/setup-raku@v1
>         with:
>           raku-version: ${{ matrix.raku-version }}
>       - name: Check zef info
>         run: zef info "Raku::Pod::Render"
>       - name: Install Dependencies
>         run: zef install --/test --test-depends --deps-only .
>       - name: Install App::Prove6
>         run: zef install --/test App::Prove6
>       - name: Run Tests
>         run: prove6 -I. t
> As you can see, I run the zef info line for Raku::Pod::Render. I am
> getting the following response (this happens after I used exactly the same
> command locally)
> Run zef info "Raku::Pod::Render"
> ===> Updating fez mirror: https://360.zef.pm/
> - Info for: Raku::Pod::Render
> - Identity: Raku::Pod::Render:ver<3.7.3>:auth<github:finanalyst>
> - Recommended By: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<rea>
> - Installed: No
> ===> Updated fez mirror: https://360.zef.pm/
> Description:     A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes 
> for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
> ===> Updating rea mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Raku/REA/main/META.json
> License:     Artistic-2.0
> ===> Updated rea mirror: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Raku/REA/main/META.json
> Source-url:     
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raku/REA/main/archive/R/Raku%3A%3APod%3A%3ARender/Raku%3A%3APod%3A%3ARender%3Aver%3C3.7.3%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Afinanalyst%3E.tar.gz
> Provides: 12 modules
> Support:
> #   source:    https://github.com/finanalyst/raku-pod-render.git
> #   bugtracker:    https://github.com/finanalyst/raku-pod-render/issues
> #   email:    richard@hainsworth.wales
> Depends: 14 items
> Furthermore, another user raised an issue in the github repo of
> Raku::Pod::Render and seems to have had the same problem installing
> Raku::Pod::Render
> The Raku::Pod::Render:ver<3.7.3> has an error in it, which I fixed. But
> now the Ecosystem appears to be acting inconsistently.

Fernando Santagata

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