
I recently started playing around with PySpark.  It soon occurred to me
that it would be a lot more fun to work in Raku instead of Python, and I
recalled that it's supposed to be possible to get handles to Python objects
from Raku and call methods on them seamlessly, so I tried to make it
happen.  I got pretty far, but now I'm stymied.  Here are the steps I can
take in the Raku interpreter:

> use Inline::Python
> my \python = Inline::Python.new


> python.run('from pyspark.sql import SparkSession')

No errors, that looks promising...

> my \spark = python.run('SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()', :eval)
... spam from initialization of Spark session deleted...
Inline::Python::PythonObject.new(ptr =>
NativeCall::Types::Pointer.new(4461193984), python => Inline::Python.new)

Now we're getting somewhere!  (I had to source-dive to guess that I needed
that :eval; without it, an Any is returned.)

> my \sql = spark.sql('select 1+1')

Uh...what?  I was expecting to get another Python object back, a
DataFrame.  (I think; I'm much more familiar with the Scala interface to
Spark.)  Instead I have an empty array.

Even more puzzlingly, if I re-run that last statement, I get an error:
"instance has no attribute 'sql'".  If I re-run the statement over and
over, the response alternates between an empty array and that error.

Does anyone have any insight into what's going on?

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