> On Oct 22, 2022, at 11:46 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users 
> <perl6-us...@perl.org> wrote:
> On 10/22/22 21:11, Bruce Gray wrote:
>>> On Oct 22, 2022, at 10:28 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users 
>>> <perl6-us...@perl.org> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Is there a way to print only the last three lines
>>> in a long file (full on \n's).
>>> In Windows, I am trying to such the last the  lines is
>>>> dir /s /A:-D /d /a
>>> ...
>>>     Total Files Listed:
>>>           13671 File(s)  3,265,285,462 bytes
>>>            3917 Dir(s)  18,406,518,784 bytes free
>>> And yes, I know how to do it,
>> It would be generally helpful to tell us the way that you already "know how 
>> to do it", so that if our guesswork is insufficiently astute, we don't waste 
>> time telling you what you already know.
>>> but IT AIN'T PRETTY!
>>> I want pretty.
>>> -T
>> $ raku -e '.say for 1..1_000_000' > a.1
>>     # Made a million-line file, for testing
>> $ time raku -e '.say for lines().tail(3)' a.1
>>     999998
>>     999999
>>     1000000
>>     real     0m2.155s
>>     user     0m1.727s
>>     sys      0m0.249s
>> On Unix or Mac systems (and maybe Windows, UnxUtils or CygWin or GnuWin32 or 
>> Microsoft's own "Windows Subsystem for Linux"), faster (and prettier) to 
>> pipe to `tail -3`.
>> $ tail -3 a.1
>> (and I presume)
>> C:\> dir /s /A:-D /d /a | tail -3
> Thank you!
> No time of that type in Windows.
> This is my non-pretty way.  It takes about two seconds.
> > dir . /s /A:-D /d /a  | raku -e "my Str $x=slurp(); $x~~s/ .* 'File(s)  
> > '//; $x~~s/ ' bytes' .*//; say $x"
> 3,275,857,307

You are welcome.

For that particular `dir` use, this is prettier, or at least shorter:
        dir . /s /A:-D /d /a  | raku -e "say lines[*-2].words[2]"

FYI, I just stumbled on a issue with your `s/ .* 'File(s)  '//`code; because 
you have two spaces after the `(s)`, the program give the wrong answer when the 
total size of the files exceeds 10 GiB.
The directory tree I tried it on was that big, and so your code reported the 
size of the subdirectory immediately before the grand total!

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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