Hi Todd,

Thanks for the code! Unfortunately I see this error:

Variable '$PathIAm' is not declared.  Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if
this was intended to be part of a signature?
at -:3
------> [32m    my Str $BatFile = [33m⏏ [31m$PathIAm ~ ".bat"; [0m

On Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 9:56 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
perl6-us...@perl.org> wrote:

> On 10/22/22 21:30, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Does Raku have a folder size command (including sub
> > folders) or is that a system call?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > -T
> My final code:
> sub RunCmd( Str $CommandStr, Bool $EchoOff = False )  {
>     my Str $BatFile = $PathIAm ~ ".bat";
>     my Str $RtnStr;
>     my Str $CmdStr = "";
>     if $EchoOff  { $CmdStr = Q[@echo off] ~ "\n"; }
>     $CmdStr = $CmdStr ~ $CommandStr ~ "\n";
>     # print "$CmdStr";
>     spurt( $BatFile, $CmdStr );
>     $RtnStr = qqx { $BatFile };
>     # print "$RtnStr\n";
>     return $RtnStr;
> }
> sub DirectoryExists( Str $DirPath     --> Bool ) { return
> "$DirPath".IO.d.Bool; }
> sub FolderSize( Str $FolderPath --> Int )  {
>     # dir . /s /A:-D /d /a  | raku -e "say lines[*-2].words[2]"
>     # 3,275,848,795
>     # > my Str $x="123,456,789"; $x~~s:g/","//; say $x; $y=$x.Int; say $y
>     # 123456789
>     # 123456789
>     my $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
>     my Str $RtnStr = "";
>     my Str $ErrMsg = "";
>     my Int $Size   = 0;
>     if not DirectoryExists( $FolderPath )  {
>         $ErrMsg = "$IAm\:$SubName error: FolderPath <$FolderPath> doesn
> not exist\n\n";
>         MessageBox $IAm, $ErrMsg, MB_ICONERROR, MB_OK;
>         print $ErrMsg;
>         return 0;
>     }

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