On 29 Oct 2022, at 22:02, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org> 

Hi All,

I am trying to change




This works:

$ echo "a/b/c/d" | raku -ne 'my $x=$_; $x~~s:g|$(Q[/])|\\\\\\|;print $x ~ "\n"'

But this does not:

$ echo "a/b/c/d" | raku -ne 'my $x=$_; $x~~s:g|$(Q[/])|Q[\\\]|;print $x ~ "\n"'

How do I put a literal string in the
target of a regex?

Many thanks,

On 10/29/22 13:07, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> $ echo "a/b/c/d" | raku -ne 'say .subst("/", Q/\\\/, :g)'

Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for the subst workaround!

Do you also know how to do a literal string in
the target of the regex?


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