Perhaps it would make sense to export these to a separate Gnome::Constants 

> On 29 Nov 2022, at 15:05, Marcel Timmerman <> wrote:
> On 29-11-2022 10:13, Francis Grizzly Smit wrote:
> Hi Francis,
>> Personally I never use \name are I hate how it looks, and so far I have 
>> never needed it, so unless I can find something it can do that I cannot do 
>> any other way, I'll keep on not using it
> To show an example where I could use it I have defined a series of types in 
> the Gnome packages of mine and could then use it everywhere as a type. The 
> glib has several types defined which I wanted to use in my code so that I can 
> cut and paste the code from the C source into Raku source without much 
> changes.
> There is a file defined in Gnome::N where a list of types is defined
> …
> constant \gboolean        is export = int32;
> constant \gchar           is export = int8;
> constant \gdouble         is export = num64;
> constant \gfloat          is export = num32;
> constant \gint            is export = int32;
> …
> And later in other modules I could then use these definitions, here for 
> example 'gint'.
> …
> sub gtk_widget_add_events (
>   N-GObject $widget, gint $events
> ) is native(&gtk-lib)
>   { * }
> …
> The types file is generated to cope with int sizes differing on several 
> implementations. E.g. a long int could be 32 or 64 bits depending on the 
> implementation or OS or chip or ….

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